20/04 2024 This week was very intense, because we had a great opportunity to attend 8th Baltic Electrochemistry Conference #BEChem2024. KongiLab Students Ritums Cepitis, Akmal Kosimov and Iuliia Vetik had a chance to present their exciting results and Gulnara Yusibova has won the Best Student Poster Award. Also, I was happy to talk about our spin-off company RedoxNRG and how cool electrochemical carbon capture is. Big Thanks to organizers, Liis Siinor and Piret Pikma from the UT Institute of Chemistry! #edac #cdr #redoxnrg #kongilab #mof #mechanochemistry #fuelcells #supercapacitors #batteries #DFT

16/04 2024 Research in Estonia is diving into our game-changing research results with Ritums Cepitis, Jan Rossmeisl and Vladislav Ivanistsev. Read the full article here: https://researchinestonia.eu/2024/04/05/double-the-efficiency-of-energy-storage-devices/

15/04 2024 Listen to KongiLab’s new song "Catalyst of My Heart" about Geometry Adaptive Catysts:

06/04 2024 KongiLab had the pleasure of hosting a very special delegation from Tartu Kindergarten Naerumaa. Our future generation showed a keen interest in learning about greenhouse gas CO2. Our PhD student, Iuliia Vetik, gave a fantastic CO2-themed performance that everyone enjoyed! hashtag#KongiLab hashtag#DAC hashtag#CDR hashtag#SciencePop hashtag#UnitartuChemistry

01/11 2023 Our latest review article on M-N-C materials in organic catalysis is published in Coordination Chemistry Reviews. Read the article here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccr.2023.215412

01/08 2023 -Great news! Our Ph.D. student, Gulnara Yusibova, has started a great initiative Sci-Shark. Together with experts, Gulnara discuss important stuff in academia like career choices, making decisions, mental well-being, and life during a Ph.D. What she's doing is really important because it helps people in academia. You can watch her videos here: www.youtube.com/@Sci-Shark/
Let's support Gulnara and her efforts to make academia better. Stay tuned for her videos!
Let's support Gulnara and her efforts to make academia better. Stay tuned for her videos!

06/06 2023 - Excellent MSc thesis defence by Juki. Jürgen-Martin Assafrei's master's thesis focuses on a critical area of improving the electrolyte composition for zinc-air/iodine hybrid batteries with the aim of enhancing their performance. In his work, Jürgen starts from a strong theoretical foundation and conducts thorough experiments using various analytical methods to evaluate the properties and performance of the electrolytes. #kongilab #electrochemistry #batteries

06/06 2023 - Brilliant BSc thesis defence by Ivan. Ivan's Bachelor's thesis focused on investigating novel bimetallic Fe/Ni-N-C electrocatalyst materials for oxygen electroreduction and evolution reactions (ORR and OER) in metal-air batteries. This research is important as it aims to develop efficient catalysts for metal-air batteries, which are crucial for various applications. #kongilab #electrochemistry #greensynthesis

Our PI Nadezda Kongi is one of the women innovators selected for the 2nd #WomenTechEU call. Congrats to all the inspiring grantees - let's keep making waves in the tech industry and inspiring the next generation of women entrepreneurs. Discover more ... #WomenInTech #Innovation #EuropeanCommision #WomenTechEU

27/04 2022 - RedoxNRG has been featured on the Nasdaq billboard in Times Square, New York City. It is an incredible honor to have our spin-off company recognized in one of the world's most iconic locations, and it is a testament to the innovative and groundbreaking work that our team is doing. Thank you to Tahko Ski Lift Pitch and Kuopion alueen kauppakamari for recognizing our company's potential and congratulations to all of the other participants in the competition. Together, we can make a difference and create a better world for future generations. University of Tartu #RedoxNRG #Nasdaq #TimesSquare #Sustainability #ClimateChange #Innovation

07/02 2022 - Our latest research is just published in ACS Energy Letters! The results of the great collaboration with University of Copenhagen are simply beautiful #research #ACSEnergyLetters #collaboration #publication #energy"

14/01 2022 - Our new research paper about dual metal TAL42-based MnOx/Co-N-C bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst is published in Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Big thanks to our co-authors for their dedication and commitment to this project! #fuel cells, #metalairbatteries #renewableenergy #advancedmaterials

06/05 2022 - Successful BSc thesis defence by Amina Alimbekova. We feel privileged to supervise such a bright and talented students. Wishing you all the success in life, and good luck at Aalto University, dear Amina! #kongilab #redoxnrg #electrochemistry #co2reduction #wastetoenergy

07/02 2022 - Our experimental project on developing CO2 electrocapture materials is now supported by Feasibility Fund of University of Tartu! #kongilab #redoxnrg #electrochemistry #co2reduction #wastetoenergy

17/12 2021 - We are honored to have a deep bench of early-career researchers gaining recognition at a national level! Our MSc student Jürgen-Martin Assafrei has been selected as one of the best student researchers by ETAg - Estonian Research Council. Jürgen’s research is critical for the design of energy-efficient systems for fuel production from #co2. Great job, Juki! We are very proud to have you in our team! #kongilab #redoxnrg #electrochemistry #co2reduction #wastetoenergy

We are very happy to announce that two of our team members have successfully defended their thesis. Congrats Gulnara Yusibova (MSc) and Jürgen-Martin Assafrei (BSc). Good luck on your further studies

01/06 2021 - What we love about June is that Kongilab students get graduated! This year Jüki (BSc) and Gulnara (MSc) have their thesis defenses, Good luck!

22/01 2022 - RedoxNRG startup is established! We are happy that now we can develop our advanced electrochemical carbon capture and conversion technology! Please, check our progress at RedoxNRG homepage: www.redoxnrg.com
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01/01 2021 - We are happy to share a great news! Nargiz Kazimova's bachelor’s thesis won the 2nd prize at the “Estonian national student research competition 2020” in the field of natural sciences! Thank you Nargiz and good luck at Universite PSL!

01/01 2021 - We are welcoming our new BSc student Amina Alimbekova! Amina is a Science and Technology 2nd year undergraduate student joining our lab for her bachelor's thesis. Good luck!

17/08 2020 - PhD student Akmal Kosimov will focus on synthesis of novel MOF-based catalyst materials.
17/08 2020 - PhD student Akmal Kosimov will focus on synthesis of novel MOF-based catalyst materials.

17/08 2020 - We are welcoming our new PhD students Ritums Cepitis and Akmal Kosimov. Best of luck!
17/08 2020 - We are welcoming our new PhD students Ritums Cepitis and Akmal Kosimov. Best of luck!

17/08 2020 - We are welcoming our new BSc student Jürgen-Martin Assafrei! Jürgen is a Science and Technology 3rd year undergraduate student joining our lab for his bachelor's thesis. Good luck!

28/07 2020 - Summer is busy and we have strategy EnerChem meeting with our collaborators from TalTech (P. Starkov lab) in Narva-Jõesuu. Such a productive meeting!

06/03 2020 - Our student Nargiz Kazimova successfully defends her bachelor's thesis with the highest grade. Congratulations!

15/03 2020 - We are blessed that despite the COVID - 19 pandemic we are able to proceed with our lab work by following '2+2' rule.

01/01 2020 - We are welcoming Gulnara Yusibova as our new master student!

08/25 2019 - Mahboob Alam is presenting our fresh results about novel TAL1 based catalyst materials at the 258th ACS Fall Meeting in San Diego, CA (Energy and Fuels division).

07/01 2019 - Nargiz Kazimova will spend this summer as an intern at Aalto University in prof. Lasse Murtomäkki's lab see more Nargiz is going to get insights into electrochemical processes at immiscible liquid/liquid interfaces. Such a great exprience! Results are published here: DOI:10.1002/elan.201900571

06/19 2019 - Nadezda Kongi is sharing her experience about how Policy makers collaborate (should collaborate) with scientists. Nadja focuses on climate action and implementation of new green energy technologies in Estonia.

06/19 2019 - Nadezda Kongi is truly honored to be recognized by the Estonian Academy of Sciences and receives prestigious "For Women in Science" L'Oreal Baltic award diploma.

02/07 2019 - Our preliminary result are available on ChemRxiv: Fused Hybrid Linkers for Metal–Organic Frameworks-Derived Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysts. Read more...

01/01 2019 - Nargiz Kazimova joins our group. Nargiz is a 2nd year undergraduate student of Science and Technology program at the University of Tartu.

09/01 2018 - Mahboob Alam, recently obtained his MSc from University of Tartu (Applied Measurement Science program) and now PhD student at TelTech joins Kongi's lab as a visiting student. From now on Mahboob will be co-supervised by Dr. Kongi (UT) and Dr. Starkov (TalTech).

11/05 2018 - Good news! Nadja's research proposal "New metal–organic coordination network based materials as multifunctional electrocatalysts for energy conversion and storage" has got funding from Estonian Research Council.
Project period 01.01.2019 - 12.31.2022.
We are builidng up our new research group at University of Tartu. Exiting time is coming!